Director EMEA communications at AMD
EMEA Marketing Manager at Kingston
Boost your PR activities
greenpulse is an easy-to-use, flexible and reliable PR suite. With its clipping database
and extensive reporting features it will lift your PR activities to a new level.
Complete real time overview
Your personal dashboard gives you a real-time overview of all your PR activities - and also allows you to take a deep dive into the details.
Individual reports with just a few clicks
greenpulse enables you and your PR teams to create individual, comprehensive, and detailed Excel reports in just a few, simple steps.
Exactly the reports you need
Choose from several filter options and adjust them, so that each report fits the cause – be it a product launch or a sales pitch.
Automated dispatching of reports
greenpulse can dispatch clippings reports automatically – to your specifications and to individually created recipient lists inside and outside of your company.
Created from experience
greenpulse is the result of the continuous efforts of a team of PR veterans, software experts and graphic designers over the past 10 years to optimize their own workflows and processes.
It was created with the intention to minimize the need to have the same tasks done multiple times by different team members or outlets, with the goal that every clipping and every report has to be submitted and created only once.
Today, greenpulse has become such an effective and powerful tool, that we no longer want to use it exclusively by ourselves. Instead, we want to share the experience with every company that wants to optimize its PR activities.
By migrating all our internal and external teams in Europe to greenpulse, we now have an easy tool at our disposal to quickly find published articles and compare their reach and sentiment country-by-country or region-by-region. The information this gives us is extremely valuable.
Iain Bristow,
Director EMEA communications at AMD
Shifting away from shared Excel sheets to track publications and awards to a centralized tool as greenpulse saves a lot of time on the agency side and on our side as well. greenpulse also automated the task of publishing awards on our Kingston website, something we always had to do by hand.
Debbie Fowler,
EMEA Marketing Manager at Kingston
About greenpulse
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris tempus nisl vitae magna pulvinar laoreet. Nullam erat ipsum, mattis nec mollis ac, accumsan a enim. Nunc at euismod arcu. Aliquam ullamcorper eros justo, vel mollis neque facilisis vel.
Vestibulum et mattis est. Duis eros lupus feugiat leo mattis. Suspendisse nec rhoncus massa, elementum iaculis urna donec non quam faucibus, malesuada et nunc eu, aliquam magna. Etiam malesuada suscipit consectetur nisl varius bibendum.
Cras hendrerit erat vel mi rhoncus, mollis suscipit magna euismod duis tristique.
Nunc maximus turpis ut erat condimentum, at egestas velit placerat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora et torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque maximus nisl ut velit. Proin dapibus felis in tempor ultrices aliquam congue tortor.
A look at data visualization psychology by chart
Mit greenpulse werden PR-Statusberichte in nur drei Klicks erzeugt. Sämtliche Informationen werden intelligent zusammengeführt und müssen nicht mehr umständlich aus verschiedenen Tools zusammengesucht werden. Alle wichtigen Informationen zur Reichweite, den Views, der Stimmungung und mehr werden automatisch in Ihren Report eingefügt.
Mit unseren Dashboards haben Sie immer den vollen Überblick über Ihren PR-Status. In Echtzeit bekommen Sie alle Informationen über die Reichweite, die Stimmung und viele weitere wertvolle Auswertungen.
On average each clipping is handled 5 times during the PR process:
1. For the weekly internal PR report
2. To update the press section on the company website
3. For the monthly client press report
4. Für die Übersicht über die neuesten Auszeichnungen
und Zitate für das Sales-Team
5. For those urgent, impromptu reports
E.g. all positive coverage and influencer videos regarding the latest product launch
Erfahrungsgemäß wird jedes Clipping mindestens 5x angefasst:
Der wöchentliche interne PR-Bericht
Pflege des Presse-Bereichs auf der Webseite
Der monatliche Presse-Bericht für die Kunden
Care Integration
Die neuesten Auszeichnungen und Zitate für das Verkaufs-Team
„Kannst Du mal eben“-Berichte
(z.B. alle positiven Artikel inkl. Influencer-Videos zur letzten Markteinführung)
Donec fringilla tempus sapien, nec amet semper risus luctus non. Suspendisse sed elit. Mauris lupuset quam in varius tempus porttitor velit.
Sind Sie es leid einen Großteil Ihrer Arbeitszeit zu verschwenden?
Vestibulum et mattis est. Duis eros lupus feugiat leo mattis. Suspendisse nec rhoncus massa, elementum iaculis urna donec non quam faucibus, malesuada et nunc eu, aliquam magna. Etiam malesuada suscipit consectetur nisl varius bibendum.
Example Subtitle
Example Title
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris tempus nisl vitae magna pulvinar laoreet. Nullam erat ipsum, mattis nec mollis ac, accumsan a enim. Nunc at euismod arcu. Aliquam ullamcorper eros justo, vel mollis neque facilisis vel.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris tempus nisl vitae magna pulvinar laoreet. Nullam erat ipsum, mattis nec mollis ac, accumsan a enim. Nunc at euismod arcu. Aliquam ullamcorper eros justo, vel mollis neque facilisis vel.
A look at data visualization psychology by chart
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo.
Profis setzen auf greenpulse
Namhafte Unternehmen nutzen greenpulse schon und konnten ihre PR-Aktivitäten damit spürbarer effizienter machen.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna.
How much does greenpulse cost?
Is there 24/7 support
Is there a trial version / period?
What kind of analytics does greenpulse offer?
What are the different price tiers?
News from greenpulse
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna.
Warum interne PR ein wichtiges Führungsinstrument für Unternehmen ist
Nicht nur die breite Öffentlichkeit, sondern auch die eigenen Mitarbeiter und Kollegen sollten Rezipienten der PR-Kommunikation über Unternehmenserfolge sein.
Medienanalyse: „Big Data“ für aussagekräftige PR-Reports nutzen
Reports sind nur so zuverlässig wie die Qualität der Daten, auf denen sie basieren. Das mach verlässliche Quellen für Aussagen über Clicks und Reichweiten essenziell.
Testsiegel und Awards: Was es hinsichtlich der Nutzungsrechte zu beachten gilt
Der Einsatz gewonnener Testsiegel und Awards spielt in Presse- und Marketing-Maßnahmen eine wichtige Rolle. Dabei sollten aber einige Fallstricke vermeiden werden.
Would you like to test greenpulse? Do have more questions? Just contact us.
Wir entwickeln greenpulse kontinuierlich weiter und setzen jederzeit auch individuelle Anforderungen um. Wir bieten auch Sonderlösungen für Agenturen.